What sets Behind the Vine apart is the intimate, bespoke nature of our business. We work with you to understand your vision and create a unique, relevant message that we personally share with your customers on behalf of your company. Through these conversations, we create meaningful bonds and positive relationships that increase direct sales, reservations, club participation and good will both immediately and in the future. 



increase sales & profits

Bottom line: Our services at Behind the Vine cost a fraction of what distributors and retailers take. And since we contact your already existing customers, we guarantee your wines get into the hands of your loyal fans and repeat purchasers, not lost on a shelf.

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Let your hospitality and in-house sales team do what they do best and focus on establishing new fans, while Behind the Vine works to strengthen and maintain your existing customer relationships.

Why It's Important →

strengthen relationships

Who do you want your customers to think about when they go to a wine shop, restaurant, or plan a trip to wine country? You, of course! By personally reaching out to them on behalf of your winery, Behind the Vine makes sure you’re fresh in their minds.

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update customer data in realtime

Accurate customer data is priceless. Things like addresses, emails, credit cards, and preference changes are crucial to making sure you and your customers communicate seamlessly and positively. Behind the Vine updates all of this in your system in real time.

How we do it →